

  1. June 2025. “TBA”, P-adic and Characteristic p Methods in Algebraic Geometry, EPFL, Switzerland.
  2. May 2025. “Approximation of perfectoid rings by Noetherian rings and prisms”, MPIM Algebra Seminar, MPIM, Germany.
  3. Mar 2025. “高次代数を用いた導来剰余上のExtの消失と加群の持ち上げについて (On the vanishing of Ext and liftings of modules on derived quotients using higher algebras)”, MSJ Spring Meeting 2025, Waseda University, Japan.
  4. Mar 2025. “Frobenius liftability and derived algebraic geometry”, The 29th Conference on Algebra for Young Researchers in Japan, Osaka University, Japan.
  5. Mar 2025. “Liftability results from formal moduli problems”, (including survey), Hakodate Arithmetic Geometry Small Workshop 2025, Hakodate Community Design Center, Japan.


  1. Nov 2024. “Prismatic Kunz's theorem”, The 45th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra, RIMS (Kyoto University), Japan.
  2. Nov 2024. “Applications of higher algebra to the lifting problem of modules”, Tokyo Commutative Algebra Seminar, Online (Zoom), Japan.
  3. Oct 2024. “F-liftability obstruction in singular varieties through derived algebraic geometry”, Singularity Theory Seminar, Nihon University, Japan.
  4. Sep 2024. “Frobenius maps on mixed characteristic rings via prismatic cohomology” (Poster Session), L-functions and Motives in Niseko 2024, Setsu Niseko and Niseko Residents Center, Japan.
  5. Sep 2024. “p進コホモロジーを用いたKunzの定理の混標数への一般化 (A generalization of Kunz's theorem to mixed characteristic via p-adic cohomology theory)”, MSJ Autumn Meeting 2024, Osaka University, Japan.
  6. July 2024. “Perfectoid spaces, tilts and untilts” (Survey talk), Atelier de Géométrie Arithmétique 2024, RIMS (Kyoto University), Japan.
  7. July 2024. “Prismatic approach to a mixed characteristic Kunz’s theorem”, The 23nd Sendai-Hiroshima Workshop on Number Theory at Sendai, Tohoku University, Japan.
  8. June 2024. “Regularity criterion of mixed characteristic rings via prismatic cohomology”, Keio Algebra Seminar, Keio University, Japan.
  9. June 2024. “Prisms and regular local rings”, The 35th Seminar on Commutative Algebra in Japan, Tokushima University, Japan.
  10. Apr 2024. “Prisms and its application to regular rings”, Saturday Seminar, Meiji University, Japan.
  11. Mar 2024. “Perfectoid ideals and its correspondence”, The 20th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers, Hokkaido University, Japan.
  12. Feb 2024. “Mixed characteristic Kunz’s theorem with prismatic theory”, The 28th Conference on Algebra for Young Researchers in Japan, Waseda University, Japan.

2023, 2022

  1. Dec 2023. “Commutative ring theoretic approach for the perfectoidization of semiperfectoid rings”, Number Theory Seminar, Kyoto University, Japan.
  2. Nov 2023. “Ideal correspondence between a perfectoid ring and its tilt”, The 44th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra, LecTore Hayama, Japan.
  3. Aug 2023. “Absolute integral closure” (Survey talk), The 18th Summer School on Commutative algebra, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
  4. Aug 2023. “On the relation between perfectoidization and p-root closure”, The 9th China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Ring and Module Theory, Incheon National University, Republic of Korea.
  5. July 2023. “On the commutative ring-theoretic structure of the perfectoidization of semiperfectoid rings”, The 22nd Hiroshima-Sendai Workshop on Number Theory at Hiroshima, Hiroshima University, Japan.
  6. July 2023. “Perfectoidization の可換環論への応用とその構造について (On the application of perfectoidization to commutative algebra and its structure)”, The 34th Seminar on Commutative Algebra in Japan, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan.
  7. May 2023. “Perfectoid(ization) とその可換環論的性質について (On Perfectoid(ization) and its commutative ring-theoretic properties)”, Ookayama Youth Seminar in Algebra, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
  8. Mar 2023. “A mixed characteristic analogue of the perfection of rings”, The 11th Japan-Vietnam Joint Seminar on Commutative Algebra - by and for young mathematicians -, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
  9. Mar 2023. “混標数における perfectoid almost Cohen-Macaulay 代数の明示的構成 (An explicit construction of perfectoid almost Cohen-Macaulay algebras in mixed characteristic)”, MSJ Spring Meeting 2023, Chuo University, Japan.
  10. Mar 2023. “Perfectoid almost Cohen-Macaulay 代数の明示的構成について (An explicit construction of perfectoid almost Cohen-Macaulay algebras)”, The 19th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers, Hokkaido University, Japan.
  11. Oct 2022. “An explicit construction of perfectoid almost Cohen-Macaulay algebras in mixed characteristic”, The 43rd Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra, Osaka University, Japan.